Hi and assalamualaikum ppl, sorry cs dah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gila tak update blog en. Rindu? Anyonyonyo hahahahaha tahu dahh :b Hmm okay this is my last post. Maybe. Cs I've got a new blog, lalalalalalalalalalala hahahahahahahaha. Nak? Okay minta sendiri, takmau bagiiiiiiiiii. Blog ni biar berhabuk. Kenangan gituhh nokkk hahahahahahahah k -.- Dahdah nak tidur okay bye and thanks sebab sudi baca blog iteww yang taklah best sangat ni hehe kbye night lapchu guys xoxoxoxo
Hi ❤
I'm Edward Cullen's ❤
OMG Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 was awesomeeeeeeeee! I love it. So much! Hang out together with my craziest friend o yeh, Dayah, Fahim, Acap, Kas, they are absolutely crazy. Lol jkjk. The guys was like "oh okay" watching Breaking Dawn andddd Dayah and I was like "Whoaaaa, awwww so sweeeeett and etc". Hang out with them was awesomeeeeee too! But.... These shitototototototo guys just leave without us! This is unfair! Ugh! But sokey :) Hoho thats all gais. So chiaooooooo.
OMG Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 was awesomeeeeeeeee! I love it. So much! Hang out together with my craziest friend o yeh, Dayah, Fahim, Acap, Kas, they are absolutely crazy. Lol jkjk. The guys was like "oh okay" watching Breaking Dawn andddd Dayah and I was like "Whoaaaa, awwww so sweeeeett and etc". Hang out with them was awesomeeeeee too! But.... These shitototototototo guys just leave without us! This is unfair! Ugh! But sokey :) Hoho thats all gais. So chiaooooooo.
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Dayah the mama miaaaa :D |
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The shitototo guys lol jkjk XD |
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This is me, hihi. Comel? Oh IKR :D |
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Thank you for this picture :> |
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Me and Dayah the mama miaaaaa :* |
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Say Hi to Fahim. The most gediks one :3 |
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Thank you Fahim for this picture :> Lol my face was like "minta penampar" |
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Dayaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :> |
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Kas cool, Acap brrrppppp, Fahim? Nahhh. Gegediksdiksss :D |
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I love you, my dearest teddy bear ❤ |
"I love you, you love me. We are best friends like best friends should be."
Currently Listening to
Mirror - Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars
Hati semakin sepi, sepi dan sepi. Hati berbisik dengan sayu. Aku harus kuat :)
Tertanya tanya, apakah yang sedang dilakukan oleh ibu dan ayah di Makkah,
Tertanya tanya, apakah yang sedang dilakukan oleh ibu dan ayah di Makkah,
Ibu.. Ayah.. Jaga diri, doakan untuk kami disini ♥
"Angin. Sampaikan. Pada. Mereka. Bahawa. Aku. Rinduuuu."
Currently Listening to
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
" Before you, my life was an endless night, very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason, and then you shot across my life like a meteor. "
" Look after my heart, I've left it with you. "
" I'd rather die then be with anyone but you."
" Be very still."
" I don't know how to be close to you. I don't know if I can't."
" If I could dream at all, it would be about you. "
" You are the very best part of me."
" I love you, you are my life now."
" You inspired me."
" I'm here and I love you. I've always loved you and I will always love you. "
" Thank you, so much. I love you. Forever you."
currently listening to
Bella's Lullaby - Edward Cullen
No. Nak sekarang.
K. Aku merepek. Gtg guyssssssssss! Nak buat Puding Gula Hangus for my bradahhh, hewhew :) Haha first time buat. Taktahu jadi ke tak nanti and hope so tak kena reject :3 Chiao.
Currently listening to
Suasana Hari Raya - Anuar & Ellina
Hi, im back :)
Malam ni taktahu lah kenapa sunyi gila tervabiii, hati kurang senang, kepala berdenyut denyut, and perasaan macam... Entah lahh, aku pun taktahu. Ya. Aku start macam ni from the day dia tak text aku, the day aku text dia tapi tak reply, and the day when semua orang cakap aku dah couple with someone ni. Wei, aku pun tak tahu dari celah mana diorang dapat cerita ni. Ya, aku admit kiteorang text and guna __________ . But it's just a title! Do understand please? Don't chu know, every second, every day, every night I always think about how to solve this problem. I just can't accept this. Like swearing. I can't face this thing again. It's too hurt. Ugh. I can't describe my feeling right now. I just wanna die. Tears fall every time I think about this. And now, please leave me alone. Aku tahu perasaan kau sekarang, aku pun pernah kena aight? Tapi after tu kita okay balik kan? Aku harap after ni kita okay balik macam dulu. Aku tak suka kau cakap aku ada relationship dengan budak tu and aku ada suka orang lain. NO. No one could replace your place in my heart. Nak cakap aku playgirl? Aku couple dengan budak tu? Oh man, please bagi bukti yang paling kukuh boleh? Please jangan ikut sukahati korang cakap aku couple dengan budak tu. Kau ingat aku ni perempuan murahan apa nak couple break couple break dengan laki lain hah? Entahlah Ariff, aku taktahu nak cakap macam mana lagi. Aku tahu kau mesti tak percaya kan? Mesti kau ingat aku buat post ni mainmain kan? Kau boleh cakap macam macam if kau baca post ni. Tapi kau tak boleh cakap macam macam tentang perasaan seorang wanita :) Aku harap kau faham. Aku harap kita still macam dulu. Aku harap after ni kita dah tak gaduh. Aku tak tahan weh. Oh ya, before that. FYI, aku tak pernah in love with sape sape lagi since kita break up. So tak payah nak merepek k wahai kekandaku yang disayangi? And one more thing, I still loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you! And I miss you. A lot. Understand my feeling right here please?
Ugh. Aku taktahu apa yang aku tulis, aku main tulis je dari tadi. Aku tulis apa yang terlintas di hati dan di kepala otak aku je. Actually ada lagi tapi entahlah, susah nak cerita. So if ada ayat yang merepek tu sila lah fahamkan. Bye korang, goodnight. Please pray for us, thank you :')
Malam ni taktahu lah kenapa sunyi gila tervabiii, hati kurang senang, kepala berdenyut denyut, and perasaan macam... Entah lahh, aku pun taktahu. Ya. Aku start macam ni from the day dia tak text aku, the day aku text dia tapi tak reply, and the day when semua orang cakap aku dah couple with someone ni. Wei, aku pun tak tahu dari celah mana diorang dapat cerita ni. Ya, aku admit kiteorang text and guna __________ . But it's just a title! Do understand please? Don't chu know, every second, every day, every night I always think about how to solve this problem. I just can't accept this. Like swearing. I can't face this thing again. It's too hurt. Ugh. I can't describe my feeling right now. I just wanna die. Tears fall every time I think about this. And now, please leave me alone. Aku tahu perasaan kau sekarang, aku pun pernah kena aight? Tapi after tu kita okay balik kan? Aku harap after ni kita okay balik macam dulu. Aku tak suka kau cakap aku ada relationship dengan budak tu and aku ada suka orang lain. NO. No one could replace your place in my heart. Nak cakap aku playgirl? Aku couple dengan budak tu? Oh man, please bagi bukti yang paling kukuh boleh? Please jangan ikut sukahati korang cakap aku couple dengan budak tu. Kau ingat aku ni perempuan murahan apa nak couple break couple break dengan laki lain hah? Entahlah Ariff, aku taktahu nak cakap macam mana lagi. Aku tahu kau mesti tak percaya kan? Mesti kau ingat aku buat post ni mainmain kan? Kau boleh cakap macam macam if kau baca post ni. Tapi kau tak boleh cakap macam macam tentang perasaan seorang wanita :) Aku harap kau faham. Aku harap kita still macam dulu. Aku harap after ni kita dah tak gaduh. Aku tak tahan weh. Oh ya, before that. FYI, aku tak pernah in love with sape sape lagi since kita break up. So tak payah nak merepek k wahai kekandaku yang disayangi? And one more thing, I still loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you! And I miss you. A lot. Understand my feeling right here please?
Ugh. Aku taktahu apa yang aku tulis, aku main tulis je dari tadi. Aku tulis apa yang terlintas di hati dan di kepala otak aku je. Actually ada lagi tapi entahlah, susah nak cerita. So if ada ayat yang merepek tu sila lah fahamkan. Bye korang, goodnight. Please pray for us, thank you :')
Currently listening to,
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
Haluuuu :)
Hi peeps!
Ahha, dah lama tak update blog kan? Eh, lama ke? Haha k :p Well, actually takde benda pun nak story tapi... Eh ada ada. Hekhek semalam our family ada buat event buka puasa and so yeah best lah juga dapat jumpa cousin and else :) And benda paling susah nak jawab when semua orang tanya "kenapa Mila punya muka? Banyak gila jerawat." and when cousin yang follow aku on twitter tanya "Mila okay ke tak? Asyik tweet benda yang aku tak sangka. Like swearing!". Time tu aku hanya mampu tersenyum :3 And dorang akan tanya semua pasal tweet aku. Tak, tak semua tapi tweet aku yang diorang rasa time tu aku tengah unhappy or down or whatever. Btw thank you sebab ter-caring pasal aku. Haha lewlss Mila :p So, ni je kot yang aku rasa aku nak story. If nak tahu pasal benda benda lain tu, tanya aku sendiri eh? Biar aku cerita. Malas ah nak taip panjangpanjang berjela jela bermeter meter ni. Hekhek. Okay lah, actually nak buat mock-up and sketch. Haha tak siap lagi :p Rasa macam nak panah Cikgu Shudimi je sekarang ni. FYI, saya bukan pelajar U :) Dah lah tengah tak ada mood ni. Rasa macam nak tidur T_T Someone teman me please malam ni? Naqi tak boleh. Mama dia tak bagi lappy, bagi tab je haha padan muka. Tu lah, lain kali if webcam jangan sampai tertidur lagi k? Pening kepala fikir camne nak kejut :p Haha aku dah start mewepek ni. Hmph okay lah. Nak buat kerja gila jap. Terasa macam nak mandi je malam ni. Bagi fresh sikit otak dengan badan malam ni. Ngantuk gila ohh :x Btw one more thinggy, ahaks thank you for your call bruh :) Dah lama tak on call cenni en? Hewhew merepek lagi dan lagi. Tweet pun mengantuk. Tak ada sape nak mention. Hmph budak kecik tu entah apa yang dia buat. Draw macam macam then tweet -.- Tahulah aku tak boleh :3
So ni je yang aku ingat nak story kat korang, haha okay lah goodnight sleep tight peeps :)
Ahha, dah lama tak update blog kan? Eh, lama ke? Haha k :p Well, actually takde benda pun nak story tapi... Eh ada ada. Hekhek semalam our family ada buat event buka puasa and so yeah best lah juga dapat jumpa cousin and else :) And benda paling susah nak jawab when semua orang tanya "kenapa Mila punya muka? Banyak gila jerawat." and when cousin yang follow aku on twitter tanya "Mila okay ke tak? Asyik tweet benda yang aku tak sangka. Like swearing!". Time tu aku hanya mampu tersenyum :3 And dorang akan tanya semua pasal tweet aku. Tak, tak semua tapi tweet aku yang diorang rasa time tu aku tengah unhappy or down or whatever. Btw thank you sebab ter-caring pasal aku. Haha lewlss Mila :p So, ni je kot yang aku rasa aku nak story. If nak tahu pasal benda benda lain tu, tanya aku sendiri eh? Biar aku cerita. Malas ah nak taip panjangpanjang berjela jela bermeter meter ni. Hekhek. Okay lah, actually nak buat mock-up and sketch. Haha tak siap lagi :p Rasa macam nak panah Cikgu Shudimi je sekarang ni. FYI, saya bukan pelajar U :) Dah lah tengah tak ada mood ni. Rasa macam nak tidur T_T Someone teman me please malam ni? Naqi tak boleh. Mama dia tak bagi lappy, bagi tab je haha padan muka. Tu lah, lain kali if webcam jangan sampai tertidur lagi k? Pening kepala fikir camne nak kejut :p Haha aku dah start mewepek ni. Hmph okay lah. Nak buat kerja gila jap. Terasa macam nak mandi je malam ni. Bagi fresh sikit otak dengan badan malam ni. Ngantuk gila ohh :x Btw one more thinggy, ahaks thank you for your call bruh :) Dah lama tak on call cenni en? Hewhew merepek lagi dan lagi. Tweet pun mengantuk. Tak ada sape nak mention. Hmph budak kecik tu entah apa yang dia buat. Draw macam macam then tweet -.- Tahulah aku tak boleh :3
So ni je yang aku ingat nak story kat korang, haha okay lah goodnight sleep tight peeps :)
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Cer cari aku kat mana? Haha :p Btw tak silap aku ramai lagi tapi ni je yang ada sebab ada yang dah balik and ada yang jadi photographer :D |
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Me, Syafi, Cousin from Makkah, Kak Aca and Kak Nah :D |
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Hi, this is me. Muka aku comel aight? Banyak gila jerawat! Haha lewlss :p |
Currently listening to
Stay - Miley Cyrus
Morning :)
Now, life is nothing. But it's okay as long as I have my family and friends that always by my side :')
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