Hi ❤

I'm Edward Cullen's 

OMG Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 was awesomeeeeeeeee! I love it. So much! Hang out together with my craziest friend o yeh, Dayah, Fahim, Acap, Kas, they are absolutely crazy. Lol jkjk. The guys was like "oh okay" watching Breaking Dawn andddd Dayah and I was like "Whoaaaa, awwww so sweeeeett and etc". Hang out with them was awesomeeeeee too! But.... These shitototototototo guys just leave without us! This is unfair! Ugh! But sokey :) Hoho thats all gais. So chiaooooooo.

Dayah the mama miaaaa :D

The shitototo guys lol jkjk XD

This is me, hihi. Comel? Oh IKR :D

Thank you for this picture :>

Me and Dayah the mama miaaaaa :*

Say Hi to Fahim. The most gediks one :3

Thank you Fahim for this picture :>
Lol my face was like "minta penampar"

Dayaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :>

Kas cool, Acap brrrppppp, Fahim? Nahhh. Gegediksdiksss :D
I love you, my dearest teddy bear  

 "I love you, you love me. We are best friends like best friends should be."

Currently Listening to
Mirror - Lil Wayne ft. Bruno Mars